
Sustainability is About Progress, Not Perfection

Sustainability is About Progress, Not Perfection

There’s no universally agreed definition of sustainability, but it’s often thought of from a binary perspective: something is either sustainable or unsustainable. In reality, the truth is in the shades of green. At Ample, we believe that sustainability is about progress, not perfection. After all, it’s impossible to be a perfect consumer or producer when our definition and understanding of sustainability is constantly evolving. By looking at sustainability as a nonlinear journey, we allow ourselves the room to make mistakes, constantly learn and shift our relationship to consumption and production in a way that is long-lasting and holistic. 

Is there such a thing as sustainable consumption? Well, the term conscious consumption has been around since the 1970s, but the concept of buying products that align with our desire to have a positive social and environmental impact has been around since around the 1950s. In the last few years, against the backdrop of the pandemic, the climate crisis, and social and political turmoil around the world, people have used conscious consumption as a way to vote with their wallets and communicate their values. According to a 2021 Global Sustainability Study, 63% of shoppers surveyed have made “moderate to significant shifts towards being more sustainable in the past five years.” We think that’s a promising sign that this movement is gaining momentum. 

Becoming a conscious consumer is about challenging our preconceived notions on ownership, shopping, and value. In a world where everything from clothing to furniture has become fast, cheap, and disposable, we should think of our purchases as tattoos that leave a mark on the earth long after we’ve bought them. When we acknowledge that the things we buy will be around for many years, perhaps for even longer than we will, we can begin to shop differently. Perhaps that means investing in items that will last for longer, and that can be repaired or resold.

For brands, being “sustainable” is a little more complicated, that’s why we take an inclusive and supportive approach to our definition. We understand that all brands are on a journey, some further down the road than others, but in the spirit of “progress not perfection” we believe in communicating honestly and accurately while giving customers more ways to have a positive impact when they shop.

Making conscious purchases can be difficult. While we know that each purchase we make has an impact on the planet, the lack of transparency about where our products come from and who made them, can make it almost impossible to know for sure that what you buy is sustainable or ethical. Whether it’s seeing through greenwashing or decoding a brand’s complex sustainability policies, educating yourself can sometimes feel inaccessible. 

By offering greater transparency, Ample is making it simple to understand the  sustainability credentials of your favourite brands. We want you to be able to shop in the knowledge that even if your purchases are small, they can make a positive impact. On top of making conscious consumption more accessible, we’ve also partnered with environmental and social organisations to increase the positive impact of your shopping basket.

With each purchase, you earn points to put towards the organisations running incredible initiatives around the world, so even if you’re shopping with a brand that might be starting its sustainability journey, you can be safe in the knowledge that you are leaving a lighter footprint and contributing to a better world. 

We believe that taking small steps to improve the way you shop and where you shop has the power to create a huge impact on the world. If you’re ready to make measurable progress, it’s time to track your journey with Ample.